Vapour Flow Control
Our unique and patented ‘CEM’ technology, which stands for Controlled Evaporation Mixing, is developed for accurate vapour flow control. Traditional bubbler systems are often not capable of handling sufficient quantities of liquid with a low vapour pressure, or perform in an imperfect way. Moreover, they cannot instantaneously provide vapour of a mixture of liquids with different vapour pressures. These issues are overcome with our vapour delivery solutions.
Bronkhorst’s evaporation technology is fast, accurate, highly repeatable and efficient.

CEM-Technology: Controlled Evaporation Mixing
The CEM-System (Controlled Evaporation and Mixing) is an innovative Liquid Delivery System (LDS) that can be applied for atmospheric or vacuum processes. The vapour generation system consists of a (thermal or Coriolis) liquid flow controller, an MFC for carrier gas and a temperature controlled mixing and evaporation device. The system is suitable for mixing liquid flows of 1-1200 g/h resulting in saturated vapour flows of 50 mln/min up to 100 ln/min. This vaporiser system can replace bubblers. New opportunities created with the CEM-system: mixtures can be evaporated and even solids, dissolved in solvents can be vaporised successfully.
♦ accurately controlled gas/liquid mixture
♦ fast response
♦ high reproduceability
♦ very stable vapour flow
♦ flexible selection of gas/liquid ratio
♦ lower working temperature than conventional systems
♦ optional control by PC/PLC (RS232/fieldbus)
Video Vapour Delivery Modules
In this video, we present our all-in-one solution for an accurately controlled vapour flow, providing fast response and high flexibility: The VDM-Series Vapour Delivery Modules.

VDM-Series: Vapour Delivery Modules
Based on the CEM-technology as described above, we designed a new series of Vapour Delivery Modules. These compact sub-systems incorporate the components of the CEM-System and more! Besides gas and liquid flow controllers and the temperature controlled evaporator, the VDM-Series feature integrated power supply with display (1.8” TFT) and control functions. As an option, the unit offers local or remote trace heating temperature control. The compact, ‘plug and work’ module can generate (saturated) vapour flows within the range of 100 mln/min up to 10 ln/min. It can be applied for atmospheric or vacuum processes and is capable of evaporating mixtures and even solids, dissolved in solvents.
Additional features (compared to separate CEM system components)
- No need for engineering or manufacturing
- Pre-tested, safe and ready to use
- Readout/Control panel, incl. 1,8” TFT display, alarm/signaling and counter functions.
- Integrated fieldbus interface (option)
Vapour Control Applications
- CVD (Chemical Vapour Deposition), e.g. for hardening, thin film coating or planarisation processes
- Testing/calibration of analysers with reference gas vapour concentrations
- Toxic gas effects on protective clothing
- Analysers with reference H2O vapour concentrations
- Humidification of fuels
- Anaesthetics
- Sorption experiments or processes in pharma or food applications
Application stories
- Controlled supply of polymer precursors to make fabrics and textiles water-repellent
- Vaporizer system for glass surface treatment
- Controlled humidification for orthopeadic and dental application
- Use of flow control in photovoltaic (PV) solar cell production
- Applying aluminium oxide passivation layers on solar cells
- Vapour solution used in research for high-quality graphene production

Source: Zeton BV